Next Member Meeting (Please attend if possible!)
Tuesday, March 11 • 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Burnhaven Library • 1101 W County Rd 42, Burnsville
Annual LWV Dakota County Member Meeting
Local leagues are required to hold an annual meeting for our members. At this meeting, we will ask members to approve our slate of officers and board members for the upcoming year (LWV fiscal year begins April 1). We will also take this opportunity to walk through the Judiciary Study and LWVUS is asking us for concurrence (see below). And, finally, we will have some fun and refreshments!
LWV Federal Judiciary Study
During our meeting we will discuss issues and potential reforms related to the Federal Judiciary system which is an essential component of our democracy. These issues include judicial accountability, transparency, independence, term limits, ethics, and other related topics. As part of the LWV Study Process, the opinions of LWV Dakota County will be combined with the opinions of all the other LWV chapters across the country to develop a Position related to the Federal Judiciary.
The scope of the study addresses the US Supreme Court as well as the other Article III federal courts. The other Article III federal courts include 94 federal district courts (which include bankruptcy courts), and 13 circuit courts of appeals.
We will guide the discussion but if you want to learn more about these issues ahead of time, we recommend you look at the definitions in this document.
For a deeper dive into the issues view or listen to this recording of a town hall hosted by LWVUS with experts on the federal judiciary. Panelists included Alicia Bannon from the Brennan Center, Thomas Berry from the CATO Institute, and Erinn Martin from NVG LLC. The panelists discuss potential reforms for the Supreme Court and Article III federal courts including judicial ethics and enforcement, financial disclosure requirements, term limits, financial disclosure requirements, and the issues related to judge/forum shopping, representation, the shadow docket, etc.
Next Leadership Meetings
Monday, March 10 • 7:00 - 8:30 pm • Meeting via Zoom
Monday, April 14 • 7:00 - 8:30 pm • Meeting via Zoom
All LWV Dakota County members are welcome to attend our Leadership Team Meetings. We would love to have you attend, listen and provide feedback.
Zoom link and agenda will be sent to active members the day before the meeting.
About Us
The League of Women Voters of Dakota County is a nonpartisan, political organization that encourages informed participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences policy through education and advocacy. We meet monthly and also host candidate forums, issue forums, and other events of interest to the community. Attend one of our monthly meetings or contact us for more information.
Get in touch with LWV of Dakota County to learn more about our work and how you can become involved. To direct your message to a specific member of our leadership team, include their name when completing the form. Email us at or visit us on Facebook and YouTube.
To join or renew a League of Women Voters Dakota County membership click here.
Existing members can update their profile or renew at the Member Portal.